Jon Guenther
Small Publisher, Big Publisher Quality
“Today’s traditional publishing climate is more uncertain than ever. In order to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace and get noticed, authors need publishers they can trust. Köehler Books not only involves the author at every process, it goes the extra step to guide newcomers by recognizing talent and potential. The breadth of their staff experience, from editing to award-winning cover design to publication, spans near limitless boundaries. Köehler Books uses the same print, sales and distribution channels as big publishers to get the author recognized throughout the retail markets. It offers additional proven resources the author can engage to ensure the most successful launch possible. And while Köehler Books seeks to profit, it’s never at the personal or professional cost of its authors. If you want to be traditionally published and need trustworthy player in your corner, Köehler Books is the place to be.”
Koehler Books Publishing
Jon Guenther
Bestselling author of Finding Faith