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Sandee Mason is convinced her life will change if she can just win applause for her talents—whatever they may be. She can’t wait to accomplish something after living in the shadow of her big brother, Bri, who disappeared in Afghanistan months earlier, leaving Sandee craving the same attention the whole town is giving him even as she wrestles with feelings of loss. When her high school drama department puts on the play Oklahoma!, she knows that now is her chance to step out and be noticed. What will she learn about herself as she reaches out to the world?


Pages: 246
Pub Date: 11-01-2020
Softcover: 17.95 9781646630165
Hardcover: 27.95 9781646630189


B. Lynn Goodwin owns WriterAdvice.com. She's written You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers, and Talent. Talent was short-listed for a Literary Lightbox Award and won a bronze medal in the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards and was a finalist for a Sarton Women's Book Award. She has been married for five years to her Craigslist sweetheart.

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