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Align, Feel, Heal: An Integrated Solution to Eliminating Chronic Pain at Its Roots

Align, Feel, Heal: An Integrated Solution to Eliminating Chronic Pain at Its Roots
Despite the best efforts of traditional Western medical care, millions of people worldwide are left suffering from a chronic pain condition they can’t seem to shake. Considering we are hardwired to heal at every level, having healed every ache, pain, illness, and injury up to this point, the question is, why? What is blocking the body’s magical ability to heal, and how does one become stuck in a cycle of chronic pain?
If you are one of many who suffer every day from chronic pain, David Starbuck Smith—using science-backed solutions and over two decades of clinical experience—will answer these questions while helping you uncover and remove the common blockages that doctors aren’t trained to treat. In Align, Feel, Heal, David will lead you on an eye-opening and transformational journey to discover the tools that will help you connect to your body, heart, and soul in a way you may never have before. Ultimately, you will tap into your body’s extraordinary capacity to heal, freeing you from chronic pain and putting you back in charge of your health and life.
Pages: 260
Pub Date: 01-14-2025
Softcover: 20.95 979-8-88824-709-9
Hardcover: 29.95 979-8-88824-711-2


David S. Smith is an expert in anatomy and body mechanics and has been helping people cure their chronic muscle and joint pain for over 20 years. He started one of the first Egoscue Method™ franchised clinics in the United States in 2004 and regularly consults with top college and professional athletes in all sports including the NFL, WTA and the ATP. David was also a highly nationally ranked junior tennis player earning him an athletic scholarship on the UC Berkeley tennis team. He continues to compete in USTA league and national tournaments in his age group and has become an established speaker for conventions, sports teams and successful companies around the country.

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