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Mad Max: Unintended Consequences

Mad Max: Unintended Consequences

Mad Max Davies lives a privileged life in Manhattan when her only daughter is seriously injured in an auto accident. She rushes to Richmond, Virginia, to care for her daughter and her two grandchildren. Twelve-year-old Emilie uses her gift of feeling what others are feeling, and acts as an early warning system when her mother’s behavior deteriorates. When her daughter is murdered, Mad Max and her grandchildren set out to solve the crime. As a result, she promises she will help raise her grandchildren even though it means completely changing her lifestyle.

Pages: 275
Pub Date: 04-01-2013
Softcover: 15.95 978-1938467400
Ebook: 1.99 9781938467769


Betsy Ashton writes about her experiences mentoring women throughout her professional consulting career. She used this experience in crafting her story about Mad Max Davies. She writes feature articles for Laker Weekly, part of Roanoke Times. She is also active in many writers' groups and clubs and is the First Vice President of the Virginia Writer’s Club.

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