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Perfect: Sacred Stories from the Heart of a Dad

Perfect: Sacred Stories from the Heart of a Dad

In our world, David will never be able to “earn it.”  He’ll never make a lot of money.  He’ll never be “important.”  He’ll never have a “big job” or own his own home.  By any measure in our society and culture, he won’t be “successful.”

But, you can’t get that boy off the dance floor. He’s not self conscious. He doesn’t so much think or care about who’s looking at him. He doesn’t need your approval. At all.

He is fully aware, fully in tune, completely swallowed up by the fact the absolute fact, that he is loved. And he knows it. And it just flows out of him. Out of every pore of his being.

In Perfect, author John T. Wagner tells the stories of his son David, a 17-year-old boy with Down Syndrome, and how David has led him more fully to the sacred stories of Jesus. Get ready to dance, laugh, cry, celebrate, wonder, treasure, believe and be wrapped in pure joy as you meet this little boy who is precious to the Savior and a gift to all those around him.


Pages: 232
Pub Date: 12-07-2016
Softcover: 14.95 978-1-63393-198-5
Hardcover: 24.95 978-1-63393-200-5
Ebook: 4.99 978-1-63393-199-2


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John Wagner is a senior vice president with Young Life and has been David’s dad for the last seventeen years. He has watched his son grow and struggle. David has taught him more than he can ever talk about or write in a book about what it means to follow Jesus, but he has made the attempt to capture a small piece of that. John has a B.A. from Wake Forest University and an M.Div. from Fuller Seminary. He has been on Young Life staff for thirty-three years and is currently located in New York City with his beautiful wife, Gae, and their three kids, Michael (24), Jessi (22), and David (17). John Wagner is also an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (PC-USA).

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