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Pocket Guide to Publishing

Pocket Guide to Publishing

Publisher John Koehler and executive editor Joe Coccaro share 100 golden nuggets of wisdom that help answer the many reoccurring questions that authors have.

How collaborative should the process be with a publisher? What is a decent royalty percentage? How is the price of your book determined? Do you need to have an attorney look at a contract before you sign? What’s the difference between line and copy editing? How much and what kind of marketing should an author expect to do?

These questions and many more are answered in this pocket guide to publishing.


Pages: 164
Pub Date: 08-01-2016
Softcover: 12.95 978-1-63393-322-4
Ebook: 4.99 978-1-63393-323-1


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Joe Coccaro has been writing and editing professionally since graduating from Syracuse University, where he earned a master's degree from the prestigious S.I. Newhouse School of Communications. In his more than thirty years as a professional journalist, Joe has won scores of state, regional, and national awards as both a writer and editor. He has worked for major newspapers in New York State, New Jersey, and Virginia. For the past six years, Joe has been a book editor and book writer, currently serving as executive editor and vice president of Koehler Books. Joe has edited more than 200 works of fiction and nonfiction, dozens of which have won literary awards. He has ghostwritten several titles and coauthored three books. Woo-Woo is Joe's first novel published under his name.

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John Köehler is the author of seven books and is the publisher at Köehler Books Publishing. He is an award-winning graphic designer and was the director of Young Life Capernaum in Hampton Roads, a ministry for kids with disabilities. John is the 1991 Boomerang World Champ and coached the U.S. Team to a World Championship in 2002. John is married to his beautiful Patty and father to the awesome Kimmi and Danielle, grandfather to Eli and Lilli.

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