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The Bewildered Patient’s Whole-Body Health Guide

The Bewildered Patient’s Whole-Body Health Guide

The Whole-Body Health Guide is a valuable, highly informative guide to the only body you’ll ever have. It will teach you how to care for yourself while you are well, and help your physician understand what is wrong when you are ill. You’ll learn how your many organs work, how to keep them healthy, what can go wrong, and how to make the best use of your visits with health-care providers. Find strategies for long-term maintenance of the amazing, self-regulating, self-repairing body you live in every day. This wellness guide offers tips on eating nutritiously, exercising adequately, avoiding accidents, preventing disease, decreasing stress, and minimizing exposure to environmental toxins. The body’s systems are viewed both “locally and globally.” The writing is accessible, informative, and reader-friendly.


Pages: 342
Pub Date: 12-10-2018
Softcover: 19.95 9781633936720
Hardcover: 39.95 9781633936744
Ebook: 9.99 9781633936737


After more than three decades as an active biomedical scientist, Jo Anne Valentine Simson, PhD, now focuses on another love: cultural exploration and writing. Currently, she is collecting impressions and perceptions-jotted in notebooks over a busy lifetime-that form the bones of books about human life and culture. The self-help health-care guide, The Bewildered Patient's Whole-Body Health Guide represents nearly a decade of writing for the lay public on how the body functions. Other recent publications include both nonfiction-Korea, Are You at Peace and Russia Revisited-and fiction-Speaking with Strangers and Laboratory Notebook. Dr. Simson's professional activities included teaching medical students, graduate students, and undergraduates, as well as independent research as an author on some sixty publications in the biomedical literature. She received a Fogarty International Fellowship (1987-88) for research at the Biozentrum in Basel, Switzerland. She also was one of several contemporary scientists featured in a Smithsonian exhibition, Science in American Life (1994-2011).

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