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The Fifteen Most Repeated Lies in Business Today: Falsehoods and Half-Truths Told by CEOs and Business Leaders (And How to Rephrase Them)

The Fifteen Most Repeated Lies in Business Today: Falsehoods and Half-Truths Told by CEOs and Business Leaders (And How to Rephrase Them)
Within the world of business and the emerging trends that surround it, many senior executives and business leaders have fallen into a pattern of repeating commonly used phrases and “truths,” often told halfheartedly, without fervor or full confidence. What business leaders say to headhunters in confidential conversations often reveals what they truly believe, and what they say is often at odds with what they and their companies advocate for publicly. What frequently begins as a noble aspiration for a company eventually evolves into an impossibility but is rarely admitted as such.


The Fifteen Most Repeated Lies in Business Today is for anyone who desires to see through a corporate culture of illusion, for the college student seeking their first job after graduation, for military transitioning into civilian careers, and for anyone entering into or working their way through the business world. Along with exposing these corporate lies and half-truths of the executive culture for the ones who may be on the receiving end, this book also poses solutions for the executive, offering up honest alternatives to promote a trustworthy and healthy foundation for a business.
Pages: 140
Pub Date: 10-29-2024
Softcover: 15.95 979-8-88824-572-9
Hardcover: 21.95 979-8-88824-574-3


Neil McNulty is a nationally renowned executive recruiter who has spent decades serving some of the highest-level leaders in American business. He is America's leading authority for his sector of military personnel transitioning to civilian careers. He began his recruiting career with Management Recruiters International (MRI), eventually leading three award-winning offices. Later, he founded MMG Leaders. Neil also served disabled military veterans and marginalized populations through nonprofit executive leadership roles. He has delivered keynote, expert panel, and commencement addresses, authored four books about job hunting and employment, and served twenty years as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps. He and his wife, Mary Beth, are the proud parents of three adult children, and in his free time, Neil enjoys spending time with family, outdoor sports, and playing piano.

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