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From Forbes.com:

If you want a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to run a restaurant, read On The Rocks: The Primadonna Story by Maria C. Palmer and Ruthie Robbins. On The Rocks is an unusual memoir, told in the first-person narrative voice of Joseph Costanzo, Jr., though the author is Joe’s daughter, Maria Costanzo Palmer. The narrative choice works to create a breezy read for foodie and non-foodie entrepreneurs alike. You’ll see up close what it takes to launch, generate marketing buzz, and troubleshoot difficult customers, staff turnover and other hiccups in an ongoing business:

“Marketing plus excellent food plus excellent service were the three ingredients in the recipe for success. At one point I bought a list of area residents who matched my target audience in age and income, and we established a birthday card mailing program, enclosing a ten-dollar gift certificate in each card. Quite a few people came in with those certificates, and many became regular customers.” – from On The Rocks: The Primadonna Story by Maria C. Palmer and Ruthie Robbins