Hybrid Publishing Model
This is the joint-venture managed and cooperative publishing solution from Köehler Books that provides you with full distribution through Ingram to over 30,000 online and brick and mortar retailers for print and digital. It also includes our Emerging Authors Program, which provides authors with a comprehensive marketing program, as well as coaching and training of the author in a collaborative manner. The goal is to sell a lot of books and to turn the writer into a professional author.
Included Features with a Hybrid Publishing Contract:
- Turnkey publishing and management by Köehler Books
- A seat on our Emerging Authors Program
- Two free Pocket Guide books
- An Author/Book webpage on Koehler Books’ website
- Vote the Cover campaigns
- Ebook Sales
- Awards Assistance- we provide ten books to the author for awards programs
- Koehler Books’ social media promotes the author’s release, cover poll and more
- Softcover and e-book included and hardcover optional
- Award-winning custom editing and design
- Publishing contract with a 3-year term
- ISBNs for print and e-book are included
- Contracted offer to publish your next book as a traditional deal if a sales goal (eg. 2,000) is reached
- Print and digital full distribution through Ingram to over 30,000 bookstores and online retailers
- 60% author royalties on print and digital sales, 50% on foreign rights sales.
- Inclusion in four catalogs: Ingram’s iPage, Edelweiss, Overdrive and DropCap
- Our Marketing program includes title tip sheet, media releases, book Web page, cover polls, and promoting the book to booksellers, Ingram and other distributors. We also coach authors on social media and other marketing through the life cycle of the book.
- 20 softcovers and 10 hardcovers of your printed book
- Author may purchase additional books below wholesale
- Access to one of our Experts to assist with marketing and/or design of websites, trailers and more.
Think this is the right publishing model for you?
A co-publishing deal includes developmental line editing and/or copyediting, cover wrap and interior layout and design, ISBNs, and all production for distribution of softcover and ebook, hardcover optional. It also includes a marketing program with author training and coaching, a 3-year term, a traditional deal for the next book if the author sells 2,000 or more units, 60% royalties based on net, a tip sheet, a digital Advanced Review Copy (ARC), a cover poll, inclusion in Ingram’s catalogs, and 20 printed softcover ARCs and 10 hardcovers.
A co-publishing Hybrid package with Köehler Books ranges in price, depending on the size of the book, the quality and craft of the manuscript, and the number of graphics and illustrations used on the interior of the book. We use a cost-per-word basis of $.03-$.07 (3-7 cents) per word as the industry standard starting point for pricing the editing, which is almost always the most expensive part of the project. In other words, if a manuscript is extremely clean and needs less editorial work, it will cost less, and if it requires more than average editorial work, it will cost more.
Pricing ranges from $2750 – $3750 for a children’s book, $4500 – $5950 for a non-fiction book, and $5900 – $8250 for a full-sized novel requiring developmental line editing. Our investment in the work is substantial and shown in the author discount, typically 20-30%.
Koehler Books will provide a line-item estimate detailing all costs for pre-publication work, along with a comprehensive publishing contract detailing royalties, term, production requirements, and other legal details. Your cost may vary from the sample estimate, depending on the quality of the work and the anticipated editing time, as well as advanced design work needed.
We publish two ways.
Traditional Publishing
- This option is normally only for seasoned writers (with or without an agent) with superb work and a verifiable track record of sales and marketing success. The term traditional means that the author will not pay for any development costs or fees, and will typically be offered an advance payment on royalties.
Hybrid Publishing
- This option is best for emerging writers with high-quality work desiring a professional-level publishing experience. Writers accepted into our Emerging Author Program are positioned to land a traditional deal on subsequent books. Those best suited for this program are motivated and collaborative, and receive the same level of editing, creative development and marketing as our traditional authors.
Our works
Meet your publisher and executive editor.
John Köehler and Joe Coccaro talk about their passion—helping other authors achieve their dreams.
Here’s our gift to you.

Pocket Guide to Publishing: 100 Things Authors Should Know
“A clever and candid look under the hood of today’s publishing vehicle.” —Shari Stauch, CEO and creator of Where Writers Win “I wish Pocket Guide had been available when I started out.” —Betsy Ashton, author of The Mad Max Mysteries, president of the Virginia Writers Club “A real no nonsense guide for authors that cuts to the chase about publishing.” —William Hazelgrove, bestselling author of The Pitcher and twelve other books Ooh, I need this!