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Books by Don Carr

  • The Midnight Rambler

    Often mocked as a “water cop,” EPA special agent Sophie Grant has faced countless dangerous situations while chasing criminal polluters, from boarding tankers at sea to Somali refugee camps. But when she is assigned to Italy’s tourist-filled Amalfi Coast in pursuit of a toxic-waste-dumping cartel, she finds herself in the crosshairs of legendary Camorra assassin Il Mezzanotte Ramingo-the Midnight Rambler-and is forced to do the most harrowing thing of all: ask her disgraced ex-cop father for help.


    But like the deadly polluted water flowing below the sun-splashed Amalfi bedrock, nothing is as it appears. The CIA aims to use her as bait. But Il Ramingo hasn’t killed seemingly impossible-to-reach politicians, judges, and Camorra rivals for years without learning to sniff out a trap.

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Don Carr brings to this manuscript over fifteen years of investigating and writing about America's worst polluters, from the gas fields of North Dakota to the "Dead Zone" in the Gulf of Mexico. Don has written for Politico, Sierra Magazine, the Washington City Paper, the Huffington Post, Grist, Civil Eats, and the Food and Environment Reporting Network and appeared on Fox News, the CBS Evening News, Bloomberg TV, and NPR. He's also been a senior communications and policy advisor for the Environmental Working Group, and a senior communications manager at the Environmental Defense Fund.

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